London Country by John King
A punk with a sampler, a nurse on a mission, a skinhead with a thirst – these three big-hearted locals just want to be left alone to live their lives to the scorching sounds of the Herbert Hi-Fi, but events are clouding their moods. When two friends look sure to clash in deadly fashion, a monster steps out of the shadows and romance looms in the shape of someone who may or may not have been abducted by aliens, some tough decisions are needed. And these decisions will have consequences.
While the establishment obsesses over Brexit and Trump, the realities are very different for those on the boundaries of London Town. In these freedom-loving lands, where past and future merge in a never-ending present, honesty remains the best policy. Wrongs must be righted. A lost soul saved. With its eclectic cast of characters – none perfect, one possibly in spirit – London Country is an upbeat tale from the margins. Out here, different rules apply. Anything is possible.