© Eoghan Barra
Stewart Home
Stewart Home is the author of more books than he can remember writing. He was born in Wimbledon (London) in 1962 and last lived south of the river in Kennington in 1984. Since then he has spent a lot of time in the London boroughs of Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Islington. Home started doing music reviews as a teenager to get free records and onto gig guest lists. After trying his hand at factory work and art-class modelling, he settled down to life on the dole, and when he wasn’t watching exploitation movies spent much of his time reading and eventually writing books.
His work to date includes the novels Pure Mania, Defiant Pose, Red London, Blow Job, Slow Death, Come Before Christ & Murder Love, Cunt, Whips & Furs, 69 Things To Do With A Dead Princess, Down & Out In Shoreditch & Hoxton, Tainted Love, Memphis Underground, Blood Rites Of The Bourgeoisie, Mandy Charlie & Mary-Jane, The 9 Lives Of Ray The Cat Jones and She’s My Witch.
Some of Home’s short stories can be found in No Pity and Amputee Sex, while his collected poems are entitled SEND CA$H. Non-fiction books include The Assault On Culture: Utopian Currents From Lettrisme To Class War, Cranked Up Really High: Genre Theory & Punk Rock, Confusion Incorporated: A Collection Of Lies, Hoaxes & Hidden Truths, and Re-Enter The Dragon: Genre Theory, Brucesploitation And The Sleazy Joys Of Lowbrow Cinema.
Stewart Home is also a visual artist with work held in institutions such as the Arts Council Collection and National Art Library.